An Azolla production demo unit has been established at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, kalikiri to demonstrate the usage of azolla for poultry as a protein feed source.

Azolla (Azolla pinnata) is an aquatic floating fern, found in a temperate climate and suitable for paddy cultivation. The fern appears as a green mat over water. Azolla is very rich in proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B12, Beta Carotene), growth promoter intermediaries and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, potassium, ferrous, copper, magnesium.  On a dry weight basis, azolla has 25-35% protein content, 10-15% mineral content, and 7-10% comprising a combination of amino acids.

The poultry industry has traditionally been one of the most profitable businesses providing nutritious meats and eggs for human consumption within the shortest possible time. However, the industry is now threatened by higher prices and the non-availability of feed ingredients, reflecting feed costs comprising 60-65% of the total cost of poultry production. Fresh azolla could replace about 20% of commercial feed in the diet of young chickens.  It was estimated that to replace this much commercial feed would require about 9 kg of fresh azolla each day for 100 chickens.

For scientific and continuous production of Azolla requires cement concrete tanks or pits lined with tarpaulin sheet of size 6 ft long, 4ft wide, and 1ft deep as shallow depth is ideal for Azolla growth. Due care should be taken so that water can stand in the tank or pit. Sieved fertile soil mixed with dung and water must be evenly plastered at the bottom of tanks. Fill the tank with water till the water collects to a height of 10 to 15 cm above the soil. Allow the soil particle to settle down. Remove the layer of foam and scum that forms on the surface of the water. The foam impedes the growth and root penetration of Azolla. Allow the tank to stand overnight. On the following day, spread around 200 g of fresh Azolla inoculum over the surface of the water. It takes about 1-2 weeks for Azolla to form a mat over the water surface. The water level in the tank should be maintained especially during the summer months. To reduce excessive ambient light, a shade made out of coconut leaves/Shade net may be laid above the tank. This also prevents dew formation on the growing Azolla during winter.

Initially, Azolla will spread over the entire bed and will take the shape of a thick mat within seven days. After the seventh day, 1.5 kg of Azolla can be harvested every day. Azolla should be harvested in plastic trays with sieve. The Azolla wash can be used as bio-manure for plants grown nearby. Cow dung mixture removed by Azolla mass has to be supplemented at least once seven days after harvest. A mixture made of cow dung, soil, and water should be added once in seven days. After every 60 days, the soil is removed from the bed and another 15 kg of fresh fertile soil is added into the bed to avoid nitrogen build-up and also provide nutrients to the Azolla. Fresh inoculation of Azolla after removing soil and water should be made at least once in six months repeating the whole process afresh.



Demo unit 1 Azolla